Why You Need The Google Pixel 2 In Your Life

The photos speak for themselves!

I truly didn’t know what I was missing in a phone until I was introduced to the Google Pixel 2.  Besides its sleek and minimal design, this phone has it all.  If you follow me on Instagram, or read this post, then you’ve likely seen some of what the mighty Google Pixel 2 phone can do.  I still can’t believe I can snap such high quality, clear imagery with a PHONE!

I had the perfect chance to test out the Google Pixel 2’s abilities on my recent trip to Europe.  My adventures to London, Malta, Amsterdam, and Ireland were noticeably simplified with such a cutting edge piece of technology.

I mentioned it briefly in this post, but read on below to find out just a few of the many reasons why I’m now #TeamPixel!

The Camera Is Insane

I cannot stress this enough.  I am continually blown away by the imagery that the Google Pixel 2 can capture.  Look at how sharp these photos are!  How the colours translate so vibrantly.  Thanks to OUI and HDR, the way the camera functions in low light settings often outperforms my DSLR and mirrorless cameras.  Plus, Google was smart enough to gift us with a front facing camera with the exact same advanced denoising abilities.  My selfie game has vastly improved LOL.  In Amsterdam, the weather was cold and completely unpredictable, so I ended up leaving my mirrorless camera at the hotel and relying solely on my Pixel.  I was able to take stunning photos and video, I am editing the VLOG now and can’t wait to share it with you guys!

The Built In Google Assistant

“Hey google, where’s the nearest coffee shop?” Being able to chat with the Google Assistant is super helpful (and sure cures some solo travel loneliness), especially while you’re on the go.  Google can lead the way and answer those questions about your surroundings by researching while you move.  It is the best!  I love how my Google Home Mini connects to all things Pixel, I talk to Google every day and ask about the weather, my schedule, etc.  I use it as a bluetooth speaker too, it’s such a perfect intro into a smart home!

It’s The Little Things

I have such an appreciate for the battery life on the Google Pixel 2.  It lasts a decent amount and it also charges rapidly so you’re not stuck beside an outlet in the corner of a restaurant just so that your phone can gain 5% in twenty minutes.  I love how it has unlimited storage for my photos.  It operates quickly and is really user friendly.  Since I use Google so much with work and my everyday life, the phone felt familiar from day one.

The Google Lens

Have you ever arrived home from a trip and spent a ton of time trying to figure out what some of the photos you took are of?  Another travel feature I love, is that I can click on a photo I’ve taken and if it’s a notable building or spot, Google can tell me exactly where and what it is, as well as some history behind it.  This works in the moment too, so you can almost do a self guided fun fact tour.  How cool is that?!

Aren’t the Google Pixel 2 images unreal?  I am telling you, that my photography game is forever changed.  If you’re thinking of switching over to Google, let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them!

This post was in partnership with Google. As always, opinions are my own.

The post Why You Need The Google Pixel 2 In Your Life appeared first on Alicia Fashionista.

Why You Need The Google Pixel 2 In Your Life published first on https://sogomart.tumblr.com/